In celebration of the popular “Gladiators” programs on television today, this parody joins Ben Dover and Big Bill Butts as they welcome the most noxious of our nation’s competitors, The American Flatulators.
A contest of the most formidable flatulators, this struggle for superiority pits everyday contestants against the mightiest of them all. Who will face German expatriate. “Ripper”, who must “vin for ze Farterland?” Will there ever be a match for “Gaseous Clay” as he “floats like a butterfly and farts like a blowfish?” What will it take to defeat the one... the only... SBD (Silent But Deadly)?
Don’t forget the wonderful sponsors who support the games: Flatu-Seltzer, when you really need relief, and Arri Vaderci Aroma, a wonderful little pocket spray to cover your embarrassing social mishaps.
Everyone loves comic relief and everyone loves a good release, especially our everyday contenders: Dumper Pile, an ex-marine from the Windy City, and gas station operator Tex “Air Biscuit” Fritter, whose family has owned the Ex-Ess Gas station for over three generations.
You’ll meet all the American Flatulators, their challengers and even more sponsors during four major events that will make for more than an eventful evening. American Flatulators will be the one program that you will rarely admit owning, but will show to everyone who walks through your door.