This offbeat comedy finds a rotund, daydreaming projectionist who fantasizes that he is the super hero Captain Flash. He imagines his nemesis to be Renaldi the theater manager, whom the projectionist refers to as "the Bat." Renaldi demands the lobby floor to be so clean he can eat off it. The film uses superimposition of older films, the first to employ such techniques. The projectionist imagines Rinaldi to be in league with the forces of evil like Hitler, Mussolini and space aliens. He is under the delusion that he must save a female co-worker from the clutches of the evil Bat. The projectionist summons such heroes as Errol Flynn, Gary Cooper and the US Marine Corp to save her from imagined danger. This is the first feature length film for director Harry Hurwitz, who also appears as an usher. This also marks the film debut for Rodney Dangerfield, who had recently changed his name from his given name of Jack Roy and opened a nightclub. The film premiered at the Rochester Film Festival in 1969. It has earned cult status over the years and is in the archives of the Museum Of Modern Art in New York.
Release Date: 1971
Run Time: 84 minutes
Rating: PG
Starring: Rodney Dangerfield, Chuck McCann, Ina Balin, Harry Hurwitz, Jara Kohout, Stephen Phillips, Clara Rosenthal, Jacquelyn Glenn, Robert Staats
Director: Harry Hurwitz