A story about a subterranean society whose lives depend on an infrastructure of tubes. At the center of this tale is the Hollowhead family, consisting of a hard-working dad with hopes of promotion at the job, a sparkly mom who gets food out of a duct in the wall, a young boy who gets amusement picking parasites from the family (dog?) and slingshotting them into a fan, an older sis whose hormones are in overdrive, an older brother who plays an instrument that resembles a cross between an accordion and a rubber chicken, and of course an eyeball plant that lives in the hallway. Dad is hoping for a promotion at the slime factory in which he works and decides to bring his boss home for dinner and to meet the family. The horny, perverted, rude boss does not know what he is up against when he begins with his advances towards Mrs. Hollowhead.
Release Date:1989
Run Time: 89 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Starring: John Glover, Nancy Mette, Richard Portnow, Matt Shakman, Juliette Lewis, Anne Ramsey
Director: Tom Burman